Shall We ダンス? (Shall We Dance), is a 1996 Japanese film about dancing. The movie is about a Japanese Salary Man who develops a passion for ballroom dancing. The movie gives insights into the serious attitude towards life, taken by the Japanese working man. It challenges the idea of conformism through Shohei Sugiyama's activities throughout the film.

Shohei Sugiyama becomes increasingly bored and frustrated with his life and he releases all this negative energy, through his newfound passion for dancing. He becomes consumed by the dance and he practices on a continuous basis, even at the subway station and while sitting at his desk. The culture of Japan is well illustrated in Sugiyama's cordial and humble mannerisms.
My connection to the film is minimal, it is a counter example of how I live my life. I tend to not take things too seriously. I have a positive attitude towards life in order to create more positive results. Also if there is something that I enjoy I do not worry about what others think, I simply choose to live openly, rather than hide a secret hobby like Shonei Sugiyama